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Monday, April 20, 2015

And the Winner Is…..

Spell Weaver's release and blog tour was a success! Thanks to everyone who retweeted and shared over the past couple of weeks.

The winner of the prize pack is Kelsey! Congratulations! Kelsey has won signed copy of Wolves' Bane, a limited edition Order keychain and a signed bookmark!

Thanks to all of the wonderful bloggers for hosting me and helping me spread the word about my newest release. Also, thanks to Beas Book Nook for helping me run a smooth tour.

And finally, thank you to all of the readers who have purchased a copy of Spell Weaver! I really appreciate it!

Next up is Mayhem…pack alpha and super hottie. You can pre-order his book now!

Release August 11, 2015! 

I guess I better get to writing the next Order book, huh? ;-) 

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